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Monday, 17 March 2014

Hello, Spring...are you there?

So I don't know about where everyone else lives but where I live, Winter doesn't seem to be letting up! One day it seems like spring could be on its way and the next day it's a blizzard with -18 temperatures!! Naturally, My Mom and I decided to go for a nice walk... My dear friend Sondra however, happens to be in sunny Cuba!! That lucky little duck.
A little snowstorm selfie...
                                         Took refuge at my Brothers house halfway through
                                                                This is his cat Felix!
I love cold drink in the cold
This is a delicious Reeses Pieces Milkshake with 700 calories.
And this is the field of my old highschool which I think
always looks pretty when it's all snowy!
Hope where ever you are now that it's sunny and warm!!
-Melanie xx


  1. I cannot deal with this weather anymore. We keep having nicer days and then getting buried with snow. It's so depressing. I went to Tampa this past weekend to visit My Guy and the weather was beautiful, I was so sad to return to Ohio.

  2. Hey Babes. I am Rena from Revamp Spunky Rena.
    Followed you via Facebook and Bloglovin. Sorry, I can't follow you via GFC, I can't sign in due to some technical errors. So please come to my blog and stay in touch forever.
