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Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Keeping it 'ghetto fabulous'.. DIY Headboard!

I was born and raised in the ghetto... sort of. Other than the fact that I can be super cheap and talk like a black woman who just had her weaved ripped out in a street fight, I'm not actually ghetto at all. I was raised in a city people often refer to as 'The Dirty Shwa' and so I thought I'd keep it real and DIY my headboard out of cardboard... yes, cardboard. When I first saw a picture of this on Pinterest I was like "oh sweet jesus, my bedroom needs this." And so it was done...

I cut out the easiest shape possible.

I added the cotton batting, which was $9.00 a meter at fabricland. I got a meter and a half cause I knew it would stretch.

Then I added my pretty fabric, I had to hot glue it to the back instead of stapling because it was too thin.
Fabric was on sale for $3.00 a meter, I bought 2 meters just in case

A close up to show you how cute it actually is.

All set up behind my bed. It matches nothing in my room, but I'm planning a whole room it due time.

So basically I made a headboard that you can't even tell is made of card board and in total it only cost me $22.00. That's definitely a DIY win!!

Check out the blog post where I learned how to make mine HERE!

                                                              -Melanie xx.


  1. Wow!! This is a great DIY! Such a great idea! :)

    Anna Czarina

  2. Great DIY! You are very creative! =)

    Linh @

  3. WHAT! This is an amazing idea. I'm totally trying this! Coming from the blog hop :)

  4. Great idea!!!!!! I have nominated your for the Liebster award!!!

    Check out my blog for more information! BeautybyJennafer

  5. Such a neat DIY! Wish I was craftier!

  6. Great Diy ,love the sprite cushion!
    Follow each other ,let me know on my blog and i follow you back!
