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Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Keeping it 'ghetto fabulous'.. DIY Headboard!

I was born and raised in the ghetto... sort of. Other than the fact that I can be super cheap and talk like a black woman who just had her weaved ripped out in a street fight, I'm not actually ghetto at all. I was raised in a city people often refer to as 'The Dirty Shwa' and so I thought I'd keep it real and DIY my headboard out of cardboard... yes, cardboard. When I first saw a picture of this on Pinterest I was like "oh sweet jesus, my bedroom needs this." And so it was done...

I cut out the easiest shape possible.

I added the cotton batting, which was $9.00 a meter at fabricland. I got a meter and a half cause I knew it would stretch.

Then I added my pretty fabric, I had to hot glue it to the back instead of stapling because it was too thin.
Fabric was on sale for $3.00 a meter, I bought 2 meters just in case

A close up to show you how cute it actually is.

All set up behind my bed. It matches nothing in my room, but I'm planning a whole room it due time.

So basically I made a headboard that you can't even tell is made of card board and in total it only cost me $22.00. That's definitely a DIY win!!

Check out the blog post where I learned how to make mine HERE!

                                                              -Melanie xx.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Day 4: 10 Things.

Ten things about little ol Meeee. quick fire. go. I like to eat cereal, a lot. My favourite colour has always been Green. I've only ever lived in one bedroom in the same house. I have five older brothers and no sisters. Three of my best friends I've known since I was 4-6. I think the scariest mode of transportation is by boat. I'm scared of open bodies of water. I love the Beatles but I also love One Direction. I love long car rides. I like to eat bagels, a lot. Done!

                                                                   -Melanie xx

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Day 3: Favourite City!

I pretty much have a favourite everything, I'm one of those people who really loves something or doesn't really care at all. But choosing a favourite City is hard because I love the City I'm from, with all of it's twisted charm and strange characters that lurk in the ally-ways, at the same time there are hundreds of Cities that are way cooler than mine.

Honourable mentions; Oshawa, Montreal and New York.
But I think when it comes down to it, London England has to be the winner. I've never actually been there but as my friend Lindsey once said- I pretty much own British real estate in my head! hahah I'm way overly obsessed with England. But hello, British accents, Carnaby Street and The Harry Potter studio tour.. how could you not love London?

What's cooler than Carnaby Street now? Carnaby Street in the 60's :)

                                                              -Melanie xx

I Can't Even...

I started dying my hair when I was 18, and went through various styles of dyeing (low lights, streaks, ombré, etc.) and colours (auburn, red, blond). My hair colour is naturally a terrible, mousey, boring brown and that is why I started dying my locks in the first place. About 6 months ago I decided that I did not want to continue damaging my hair and made a vow to myself to let my hair grow out. I knew this would be a terrible process because the dyed parts of my hair were more auburn than brown, and I couldn't get the auburn out regardless of how many times I dyed over it with brown, so I knew my roots were going to be a starkly different colour than the rest. Anywho, I began the long process to reverting back to my natural mousey self. It was 6 months of awkward roots (which don't look so bad until you see yourself in natural or flourescent lights!), and finally I said "I can't even!". I couldn't handle it anymore, and I finally broke. I had about 2 to 3 inches of growth and was so proud of myself, but I started to miss the vibrant and rich colour that dye gives you. So I went out, bought a box of mahogany brown hair dye, and got to work. I hope I'm not the only one who has failed miserably to let my hair grow out. Though my hair does looks fabulous ;)                        -Sondra.D <3 font="" nbsp="">

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Day 2: Favourite quote!

If you were to ask anyone I was close with in high school, or anyone in my Family they would probably tell you my favourite quote is: "You're either on the bus or off the bus." and they would be completely right! I love quotes, I love sayings and I just love words really. And some how out of all the things people have said in the world, Ken Kesey said "You're either on the bus or of the bus" and it stuck with Me. Honestly I cannot even tell you why this is my favourite quote except to say that I just love it and I really love to say it. Yep, that's it, I like to keep it simple...and weird, always weird!

                                                           -Melanie xx

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Day 1:Favourite Instagram photo!

The winner is...

This is my favourite Instagram photo because every time I look at it, it reminds me of the day I took it! I took a picture of a Daisy on my shirt through my empty Smirnoff bottle and it turned out really pretty. They say "A pictures worth a thousand words" and I believe that's true.

                                                                     -Melanie xx

Monday, 13 January 2014

Back to Blogging Challenge!

Since Sondra and I clearly suck at keeping a blogging schedule, I decided I should try doing a blog challenge. I found this one on Pinterest, stole it and made it look pretty! I'm going to try and do one every day just to get myself in the habit of blogging!.
Feel free to partake as well :)

Friday, 10 January 2014

Melanie's ridiculous tip for not hating a new haircut!

When I get an idea in my head I really have to run with it or it'll consume all of my thoughts until I do something about it! The other day whilst curling my hair I thought "wow this is annoying as fuck!" And so I decided I needed to cut off all of my hair! much for growing it out. Haha oh well! 

What I do when I'm about to cut or colour my hair (which is very often) is doll myself up! I do my makeup as nice as I can to make myself look as nice as I can, then I go balls deep in my hair venture with a positive mind. I honestly haven't not liked a hair colour or style since I was like 11.. Even if it does turn out shit, at least your face still looks good ;)

My hair before I cut it off.

My hair after I cut it all off!

After I shaved off one side, I like to cut my own hair so I can't get mad at anyone else if it gets messed up! 

And finally, the photo I found and used as a guideline of sort of what I wanted!!

So there you have it, my ridiculous tip for not hating a new haircut, style or colour!! 

                       -Melanie xx